Sunday, September 9, 2012

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ounded by cold, the officer still goes on thinking about how to make money, how to look to climb one of those people on the official intrigues, and only know the intrigue. Learned to pass the test lifts, and who do not have knowledge of only a few two Xiuqian, it touches you can buy lifts, even Scholars back to the family line, he saw those sufferings of the civil price of silver is too expensive,baseball jersey custom, land tax can not buy because Ni Feng, a better understanding of civil thieves too public miscarriage of justice too, innocent security, China's gas is difficult to apply, and then look at the official was a stomach dissatisfaction has come to him in front of the Taiping, Ni Feng is also no good impression, but he is actually quite sympathetic to those people - - either an officer abuses that harm the common people born live, who will only kill followed by Hong Xiuquan head of trading?,north face metropolis parka! rebel is very unfriendly for those intellectuals, to follow their own is no hope.
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Our military occupation of Wenzhou, the release of those criminals

Thursday, September 6, 2012

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Monday, September 3, 2012

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

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