Monday, October 22, 2012

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, It would be to die innocent, and once they sang protagonist, our side can now renamed as Overmars fleet supply base, exit stage Xinghai campaign. Upgrade as my side forces, according to Austrian Admiral's character, and I fell absolutely just a matter of Nagao Ryuji and monitoring, and can not believe ... Air Force is the air force must be strong enough to protect itself and interstellar Fleet!
Thought of this, the mind has cropped GDI most common vulgar words:
Thought of this, I looked up and looked at the time, is already 20 o'clock but under normal circumstances, the cold cold this time does not work I press the press the intercom on the table, and said: things to talk about. Cold cold look of impatience to come, could not whined: ! cold cold one on again and again shook his head and said: big thing, spend pour a little a lot and I would like the funds, personnel, technology, and other full tilt to the fleet, you see how? Rainbow Cheung is a genius, both you and I see in the eyes. give him enough of his possessions, he engage Chuming Tang. '
Cold cold hard thought and hard with a straight face: you directly Overmars Fleet taken over Well,north face clearance, just have to look at their answers do not agree it yourself, then, not to mention the question of money, the Austrian will be will never agree to this establishment. the only developed, in the middle there is such a: Allow non-governmental forces the organization armed escort force. we casually hung so and so rich man's name, independence Fleet operator militia - it'll be OK as long as you do the accounts seem to have done No official contact on the line. course,discount north face, who do not believe as long as muddle checks become a fait accompli, the Austrian will also have to accept it? After all, he did not order this

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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room did not notice them, Pidianpidian ran over, intend to to greet guests.
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Ishino Jun, the beautiful and noble lady you do not I introduce you? Too rude, right? This guy has no chance to say the second sentence, Meier blow stunned him in the past.
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Six people in the lounge there are Xuru Lin and Liu Heng Chi nodded their respective hiding in the shadow beside the door and mutter prayers, hands are constantly doing the action.
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This time to see both of them in the cast, and will be stared carefully watched.
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The two almost simult

Friday, October 12, 2012

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